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Stonebwoy, Sarkodie, Kwesi Arthur express disgust at Ejura Shooting incident

Several other celebrities and musicians have reacted so far!

In line with the ongoing #FixtheCountry euphoria that catapulted to 2 protestors into their untimely death at an Ejura Shooing incident, Sarkodie, Stonebwoy, Kwesi Arthur, among other acts have reacted.

Dancehall musician, Livingstone Etse Satekla popularly known as Stonebwoy has waged into the Ejura incident which has led to the death of one of the #FixTheCountry campaigners, Kaaka and two other protestors.

Stonebwoy argued that Kaaka who was allegedly attacked by a mob and later died in the hospital did not have to die in such a way.

According to him the #FixTheCountry campaigner was only propagating the frustrations and challenged the ordinary Ghanaian was encountering on daily basis.

In a Tweet, Stonebwoy said, “Kaaka didn’t have to die. He was only advocating for the improvement of the lives of his fellow citizens including the very people that killed him. He was killed because he refused to be a spectator. His brethren in Ejura didn’t have to be attacked.”

The award-winning musician was livid at how security personnel responsible for protecting the lives of civilians rather than turn around to kill them.

For him, the military men who shot to kill the two protestors should not be shielded but have to be held responsible for their actions.

“They were only venting their frustration. Yet the men and women who have sworn an oath to protect us and serve us with integrity attacked them.

We need justice for Kaaka. We need to hold the police and military responsible for the loss of lives in Ejura”, the Bhim President tweeted.

He added, “Since the system Keeps frustrating us the citizens. We will have no option than to go outside. We Only Go Outside to air our voices seeking attention to the problems we face as citizens. Anything contrary to that is not our intent.”

The statements by Stonebwoy has garnered lots of commendation by the Ghanaian populace and the artiste has been trending on Social media after airing his views.

Furthermore, Ghanaian rapper Sarkodie has also expressed his disgust over the upheaval in Ejura in the Ashanti Region via a tweet stating, “Definitely not the ‘Ghana’ we preach to the world.”

Emmanuel Kwesi Danso Arthur Jnr., better known as Kwesi Arthur, has equally expressed his sympathies to the families of the two people shot during the fight in Ejura.

According to the rapper, who appears to have lost his cool over the terrible situation, the country’s officials are to fault for such catastrophes since they have turned a blind eye to such incidents, which primarily claim the lives of Ghanaians.

He claims that Ghana is saddled with gluttons as leaders who are primarily concerned with their own interests rather than the lives and wellbeing of the people.

President Akufo-Addo has since instructed the Minister for the Interior, Ambrose Dery, to conduct, forthwith, a Public Inquiry into the circumstances that led to the unfortunate occurrences of Tuesday, 29th June 2021.

The Interior Minister is to provide a detailed report from the Inquiry, with recommendations for appropriate action, within ten days, by 9th July 2021, to President Akufo-Addo.

“The President is deeply saddened by the deaths of Ibrahim Mohammed, alias ‘Kaaka’, Abdul Nasir Yussif and Murtala Mohammed.

“He extends sincere condolences to the families of the deceased, and wishes the injured a speedy recovery,” a statement issued by Director of Communications at the President Eugene Arhin said on Wednesday.

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Emmanuel Ghansah, Ghana Music

Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.

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